Sunday, March 25, 2012

Gisil's Resolution

It's just a little kid.

No, seriously. Sure she's got some strange bits - like horns - but from what I'm looking at she's just a little girl with big diamond-like eyes. Actually, she looks a lot like her hunting-hound. So she's a Hunter. A Hunter with eyes that reflect the world she looks at.

That's good. By the way Freykis was reacting I thought I was coming after a Killer - I didn't think children could be Killers.

She's pretty cute though, except when she starts gnawing on my bracer. Still, if ever there was a kid who loved hugs, she's it. It takes Cainus grabbing her by the nape like a pup to get her to release. Not that I mind - being a Hunter is pretty lonely at times. Towns don't really get the difference between us and them. The girl would only freak them out even more, they wouldn't be able to distinguish her from a Killer.

I'll keep her with me. Freykis is still scenting something wrong, and if the girl is a Hunter then she'll be able to help. I can't say that reassures me much though - I can't swallow the idea of putting her against the Killers. She should be playing all day, until it's time for her mum to put her to bed.

What happened to her parents anyway? When I asked her she went very quiet and stared off into the middle distance, running mentally from the question until I changed the subject.

I guess now isn't really the best time for having kids anyway - not with whatever is coming. Freykis just insists we hunt more determinedly. The Killers' numbers have been growing out of control.

I guess Dierdre doesn't have a choice. Her play will have to be the Hunt.

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