Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dierdre's Discovery

Sun. It's bright. It hurts my eyes at first but I love it. It makes me warm all over, all together. All of me, it feels like...

I do not know the word. I've never had one, so I forgot it. It's somewhere between the tanks of my family.

But! But that's not the best part. Cainus gave me a ball, and he said to eat it. It was red. It's blood was so sweet. The flesh was firm against my teeth and so it needed biting. It was biteable.

Then the things came. The looked like Papa but... but... their smiles were not cold, they were dark. The sun's light made their long teeth glitter and the sun was brighter because of the writhing dark in their smiles. My stomach trembled.

Cainus fought, and after he killed I fought too and it was easy. I felt good. But it was not fun. It hurt, they were angry like Papa was angry and I had to break them so the anger came out with their blood.

Then the Gisil came. He's bigger than Papa was, and when he smiles his eyes close and his cheeks have dents in them. He looks at me soft and likes to play with my horns and it's weird but okay. Then he picks me up and gives me what he calls a hug and I laugh and feel warm all over. He's like a Papa-Sun.

He has a Cainus too, but he is called Freykis and they know each other. Freykis can't see but he knows and the first thing he did was give me a bath with his tongue and I still don't know if I liked it or not. Clean is good. So it was worth it.

Freykis is worried like Cainus worries. Gisil tells me not to worry but his mouth and eyes and cheeks are sad when he looks at his bow and then at my claws.

Sad is not good. I won't make him sad.

So I do not worry.

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